O Say Can You See ... the end?
With the presidential election plugging annoyingly along,
there’s one idea, among the many piles of dung that offend the senses during
this abhorrent exercise in egomaniacal drivel, that I don’t wish to come within
earshot of ever again.
If I hear another candidate, or some other political
party slug that gets dragged to a podium, utter words to the effect of, “We’re
going to make America great again,” or “I’m going to bring back the America you
grew up in,” I just may wrap a towel around my head and begin praising Allah.
America? Great?
That boat has sailed, boys and girls, and it ain’t
docking in this harbor ever again.
It’s a simple history lesson, duckies. Every dynasty has
its heyday.
The Persians, the Greeks, the Egyptians, they’ve all had
their shots at being the center of the universe. And they all eventually folded,
just as the good ol’ USA is in the throes of doing now.
Now, no one is going to own up to that, and therein is a
lesson in the desperation of humanity - no one is going to admit to being a
loser, an ass watcher, the bitch.
“We’re still the greatest country, we’re still the land
of the free and the home of the brave,” they’ll crow. But the fact is, kiddies,
it’s over. We’re still near the top rung, but we’re slipping badly and soon
we’ll be rocketing down the hill, pell-mell, on roller skates.
And certainly no one elected president, senator or dog
catcher, regardless of party, can prevent what’s barreling at our windshields
at breakneck speed.
You want evidence?
Look around.
The country has, essentially, been ripped in half with
the haves living like kings and the rest of us barely living at all. Pay
raises? Decently priced essentials such as gas, electric, food, water?
Kindness? Care for the elderly? Charity? Generosity?
These things barely exist anymore, and soon will not
exist at all.
Folks are starving, innocents are being butchered, people
are being denied jobs and/or decent wages, wars drag on and on while no one is
quite sure why they began in the first place and savings accounts are dwindling
to nothing while every business is pleading shortages and hiking prices. And
what are the citizens doing about it?
Why, they’re busy voting for the latest contestants on TV
dance shows. They’re guessing the genders of babies being spat out by celebrity
whores. They’re examining, contemplating and debating the merits of some
actress’ haircut.
Talk about fiddling while Rome burns, Americans are
watching white-hot pokers being yanked out of the fires and shoved up their
collective asses, and they’re marveling at the height of the flames.
At this point in time, that famous American spirit of
fighting until the bitter end has very little to do with fight and a lot more
to do with bitter. No one believes you can take on the powers-that-be. Instead,
they pray the powers will take them into their circle.
It’s going to be over soon, Mouseketeers, maybe not in
what’s left of my lifetime, but my kids and grandkids may live long enough to
see China or Japan or some Muslim nation rise to power.
It’s inevitable, it’s death and taxes.
But hey, we still may have four or five decades left to
wave one finger in the air and proclaim ourselves kings. Then it’ll be up to
the next center of the universe to call the shots and name the tunes everybody
else will be dancing to for the next couple of hundred years. The new leader of
the pack will even have to deal with being hated by virtually every other
country on the globe. It comes with the territory.
And then whatever country it is that assumes the mantel
of power will proceed to bollocks it up. Like their predecessors they’ll eventually
go down in flames, doomed by the same culprits that have doomed America and
every other world leader – greed, power and greed.
I don’t believe people are born with prejudice, or the
thirst to take a life or the desire to be loved. I do, however, believe all
humanoids are born with greed in their souls.
Drop a pie in front of two hungry humans and it won’t be
long before that duo will be ripping each other’s eyeballs out to have it for
themselves. No matter that the pie could be shared and feed both – one of them
absolutely has to possess it.
That’s what’s become of America. Everybody wants their
slice of the pie and 10 more. I mean, isn’t it our heritage? Came here to avoid
being dumped on by the British (and what became of their reign as leaders of
the world?) and just kept killing every native in sight (breaking every treaty
that was ever agreed upon in the process) until we got to the Pacific Ocean.
Then we raised a flag and proclaimed ourselves good,
peaceful, God-fearing folk.
With no other red men around to kill, we snatched up the
black people from Africa, greedily made them work for us and started in
screwing each other to make sure we had the biggest house, the most land and
more of everything than our neighbor.
Now, that greed-fest has almost reached its inevitable
conclusion. The biggest pricks have all the marbles, and everyone else barely
has a pot to piss in. And the “great” America is rotting from the inside out.
When the decay is complete, it’s only a matter of time
before that handful of money grabbers sees their power usurped by another band
of greedy bastards from some other point on the world map and America winds up
looking at some foreign nation’s butt.
It’s coming ladies and germs, and no matter what some
schmuck of a politician promises you, that doesn’t sound so great to me.