Perks, Pay Cuts and Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi is a horse’s ass and example No. 2,627,188
of why the rich should be individually flogged at least twice a month.
Here we are, the general public, the great unwashed, the
scratching post for those One-Percenters who believe with every fiber of their
beings that having 281 billion dollars is preferable to having 280 billion and
would happily squash some Mom and Pop store to add on that extra billion, and
we’re about to become poorer.
Yeah, I know, stop the presses, the poor are getting
dumped on again – please pinch me so I can awaken from this mind-numbing,
once-in-a-lifetime event.
But you know what campers, this time we’re not sliding
down Excrement Alley solo.
This time we’re going to have company.
Yep, if sequestration rears its ugly head in our general
direction, and we seem to be flying toward it faster than Daddy Warbucks can
recite the account number of his Swiss bank account, we’re all going to feel
the pinch – even, and wait for it, we may never see this phrase again in our
lifetimes - the rich are going to suffer, too.
Keep in mind, we’re talking about people who tip bellhops
the amount of cash most of us would nail our tongues to the table for, but yes,
some of their incomes will be negatively altered.
This brings us back to Ms. Pelosi.
But first, a brief Mouseketeer Roll Call.
Pelosi is the House Minority Leader, who, like most
government officials couldn’t spell “Poor” if you spotted her the “P” and the
“O.” Good ol’ helpful ,down-to-earth, just-plain-folk Nance got wind of this
sequester thing and was aghast, at least as aghast as a rich government
official with a real estate mogul for a husband can get.
Nance thinks this idea of trimming her $174,000 a year Congressional
salary, along with the $174,000 salaries of all her fellow members of Congress,
is just downright insulting.
“I don’t think we should do it,” Nance said while
contemplating which house servant she might have to let go. “I think we should
respect the work we do. I think it’s necessary for us to have the dignity of
the job that we have rewarded.”
Now, I don’t know what a lot of that means, but it sounds
to me as if Nance actually believes that on the human Respect-O-Meter, she and
her Congressional cronies are head-and-shoulders above the folks she purports
to represent. They are better than us.
In other words, we should agree that we couldn’t survive
without their wisdom and leadership and we should be genuflecting with our
noses in the general vicinity of their southern-most orifice.
How dare her hallowed position be insulted by the thought
of lowering the numbers on her paycheck.
Now, forget for a minute that $174,000 is four or five
times more than the average American makes in a year, and let’s just focus on
what perks Congressional members are entitled to just because they’re
Congressional members.
Let’s start with the most comprehensive healthcare
program imaginable, 75 percent of which is paid by us scratching posts. Their
government pension? It’s better than any pension you can find on the planet,
and we pay 80 percent of that.
Life insurance? It’s so good you probably get paid if you
and your family stay in perfect health - and we foot the bill for one third of
Oh yeah, they get to travel anywhere and everywhere in
the world when they so desire – and they do so free of charge (of course it’s
not free for us post-scratchin’ taxpayers).
Cost of living raises, you know those things that haven’t
existed for the working man since Hope and Crosby were making road pictures,
members of Congress get ‘em religiously, every first of the year. And none of
this graft even includes the sporadic windfalls from lobbyists and special
interest groups with which they line their collective pockets on a regular
Essentially, hundreds of millions of dollars go into the
federal budget every year just to pay for congressional perks – all for a
collection of dickheads who can’t agree on what year of merlot to sip with
lunch, let alone anything that might make life better for the working American.
Their behavior follows the Rich Person Playbook to the
letter – get rich and make sure no one else gets richer but you.
Our Gal Nance is at the head of the line when it comes to
Rich Person etiquette. She’d just as soon vote herself a pay raise as do
something productive for us minions.
And by her figurin’ we should be grateful she’s alive and looking
out for our best interests.
How dare she have to take a pay cut.